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CheckDB - Check Database Consistency

The database consistency check allows performing different types of consistency checks for the whole database or specific parts of the database. It provides also features for repairing inconsistent database states.

The utility works for local or file server databases, only. For object or replication server applications the server command DBCheck may be used

CheckDB ini_file [-C:IXG] [-S:srce] [-T:type] [-R] [-W] [-q] [-h] [-p:type]


ini_file - symbolic name referring to a configuration or ini-file defining the data source for the database.

-S - source collection to be checked (when not being defined, the complete database will be checked)

-C - check inverse references (I), indexes (X) and/or GUIDs (G) - multiple settings allowed

-T  - check collections (C), reference collection in instances (I) or both (A) - select one option, only

-R  - repair option (check without repair otherwise). Restore deleted instances (U)

-W - show warnimgs

-q -  do not write messages to system output

-h -  show help information

-p - define progress display type (automatic, dots, time, percent), e.g. -p:percent