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DBCheck - Check for (and repair) database errors

The DBCheck server command works similar as the CheckDB utility, but in client server mode. It allows checking a server database and produces a list with database problems.DBCheck requires exclusive access to the database.

In contrast to the CheckDB utility, the DBCheck server command does not require an ini-file. Instead, the administrator must know the exact server location of dictionary and database, which are passed as parameters to the command.

When running database checks, clients accessing the database to be checked are stopped, i.e. clients accessing the database must finish before DBCheck starts or will be killed by DBCheck. During check, it is also not possible to start new clients on the server.

The following is a short summary of DBCheck parameters and options. More details are described in CheckDB in Database Utilities.

DBCheck server port dict_path db_path

  [-S:srce] [-C:IXG] [-T:type] [-R] [-W] [-K:time]


server - server url or IP address

port - port number for the server passed when starting the server

db_path - The database path defines a file catalog name or the database location on the server, in which case the path must be a valid server path.

db_path - The database path defines the database location on the server, i.e. the path must be a valid server path.

-S - source collection to be checked (when not being defined, the complete database will be checked)

-C - check inverse references (I), indexes (X) and/or GUIDs(G) - multiple settings allowed

-T  - check collections (C), reference collection in instances (I) or both (A) - select one option, only

-R  - repair option (check without repair otherwise). Restore deleted instances (U)

-W - show warnimgs

-K:time - The kill option allows stopping clients after a given time interval (time in seconds). When a time interval has been defined, the clients are informed, that the client will be stopped after time seconds. When passing the K option, only, the clients accessing the database to be checked are stopped immediately and without warning. When not passing the kill option, DBCheck will terminate with error when there are active clients using the data-base to be checked.