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Value - Value handle

Similar to property handles, value handles handle property instances. In contrast to property handles, which provide access functionality and management functions for properties, value handle provides operation functions in order to calculate with values.

Value handle refer to an attribute instances, which might be defined as elementary or complex data type attributes, but also as array attributes. Since value handles do not have got iteration or access functions, they cannot handle collection instances, except arrays.

When a value handle refers to a generic attribute, which is a collection property from a technical point of view, the value refers to the currently selected instance for the generic attribute.

Value handles may also refer to MEMO properties, which are conceptual attributes, but technical references, i.e. collection properties.

Value handles support most algebraic operations for elementary values. You can apply most of algebraic operations (as +, -, * etc.) on numerical values and some on string or Boolean values. Conversion is provided implicitly whenever required.

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