ButtonTypes - Replies to a decision
Possible reply types for decisions are defined in this enumeration. Since specific decisions restrict the number of possible replies according to selected reply buttons (ReplyButtons), the set of possible answers is, usually, a subset of answers described here.
The answer is returned in as ReplyType value depending on the button combination displayed in the decision message.
Enumarators overview
- Abort
(262144) - Abort button
- Apply
(33554432) - Apply button
- Cancel
(4194304) - Cancel button
- Close
(2097152) - Close button
- Discard
(8388608) - Discard button
- Help
(16777216) - Help button
- Ignore
(1048576) - Ignore button
- No
(65536) - No button
- NoButton
(0) - Undefined reply button
- NoToAll
(131072) - "No to all" button
- OK
(1024) - OK button
- Reset
(67108864) - Reset button
- RestoreDefaults
(134217728) - "Restore defaults" button
- Retry
(524288) - Retry button
- SaveAll
(4096) - "Save all" button
- Yes
(16384) - Yes button
- YesToAll
(32768) - "YES to all" button