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DisplayStates - Display states

Display states describe the visibility of an property or instance.

Enumarators overview

  • Disabled (2) - Element is disabled
  • Hidden (1) - Element is hidden
  • Invalid (0) - Display state is undefined
  • Visible (3) - Element is visible and accessible

Enumerator details

  1. Invalid - Display state is undefined
    Code: 0
    to list
  2. Hidden - Element is hidden

    A GUI (control) or data (property, instance) element is hidden, i.e. it is not visible (cannot be read) and cannot be updated/edited.

    Code: 1
    to list
  3. Disabled - Element is disabled

    A GUI (control) or data (property, instance) element is disabled, i.e. it is visible (can be read), but cannot be updated/edited.

    Code: 2
    to list
  4. Visible - Element is visible and accessible

    A GUI (control) or data (property, instance) element is visible, i.e. it can be read and updated/edited.

    Code: 3
    to list