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ProcessStates - Process states

Process states describe the state of a handle in a process, i.e. whether the handle is opened or closed, busy or active etc.

Process states can be set by the application program after being opened. Process states must not be set when closing a handle.

Enumarators overview

  • Active (4) - Resource is active
  • Busy (7) - Resource is busy
  • Closed (5) - Resource or context has been closed
  • Opened (6) - Resource has been opened
  • UndefinedState (0) - Process state undefined

Enumerator details

  1. UndefinedState - Process state undefined
    Code: 0
    to list
  2. Active - Resource is active

    A resource or context is active after being opened.

    Code: 4
    to list
  3. Closed - Resource or context has been closed

    The context for the resource has been closed and cannot be used anymore.

    Code: 5
    to list
  4. Opened - Resource has been opened
    Code: 6
    to list
  5. Busy - Resource is busy

    In order to avoid recursive processing from a resource, the resource can be marks as busy.

    Code: 7
    to list