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DBObjectHandle :: Export - Export data

The function exports data managed by the database object and all its subordinated database objects. Data can be exported in XML, CSV (ESDF) or OIF format. The export format type will be derived from the file extension. The extension .xml causes export to an XML file. .csv and .esdf will export data to extended self delimiter format (ESDF). All other extensions will produce an object interchange format (OIF) file.

Data will be exported for all extents. Owning extents will export complete instances, not owning extents will export instance references by main key.

The amount of data exported can be reduced by the copy option passed to the function (copy_type). For copying all data, COPY_dependent or COPY_all (default) should be passed. Passing COPY_local will copy all instance data without links to instances not owned by the instance copied. COPY_instance will copy instance data far all instances without copying referenced (owned) instances. COPY_depend copies data as defined in the copy model.


When running import/export in a client/server environment, the file name passed has to be a symbolic file name which is defined in the file catalog on client and server side. The export/import is executed on server. The result is transferred finally to the client location defined in the client's file catalog.

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation details

logical DBObjectHandle  :: Export ( NPath &cpath, COPY_Options copy_type=COPY_all )
  • cpath - Complete file or directory path
  • copy_type - Copy type

    The copy type determines the way of copying instances. Depending on import, export or copy processes, the meaning differs slightly.

    Default: COPY_all