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OperationHandle :: Execute - Execute operation

The function executes a predefined operation. The result is returned as property handle.

It is possible to pass a property handle as calling object. If no property handle is passed the one that was used for creating the operation is used as calling object. When using another property handle than the originating one, the type of the properties must be identical.

The result of the operation can be provided with the GetResult() function.

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - internal feature (not documented)
    logical OperationHandle  :: Execute ( OperEnvironment *operenv, PropertyHandle &call_object, ParmList *parameters )
    • operenv - Pointer to operation environment
    • call_object - Calling object

      The calling object is passed as property handle, which provides the instance(s) for calling the operation.

    • parameters - Parameter list

      A parameter list is a list of property handles, where each property handle represents a parameter. Thus, parameters may be simple values, but also complex data structures or collections.

  2. to list
  3. Execute operation without parameters
    logical OperationHandle  :: Execute (  )

    This implementation calls the expression with the property handle for calling object passed when the operation has been created. The selection in the property handle may change but not the property handle.

  4. to list