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PropertyHandle :: Contains - Does property contain text

The function checks, whether the instance for the selected property handle contains the text passed in reg_string. The function returns true (YES), when the text has been found.

This version supports simple string expressions as "string", "*string", "string*" and "*string*". When not beginning or terminating the search string with an '*', the text must be at the beginning or at the end of a word. Searching for "string" will search for whole words, only.

In order to replace control sequences as '\n' or '\t' coded as character strings into corresponding control characters, conv_opt 1 has to be passed. For extracting plain text from HTML before checking, conv_opt 2 has to be passed. In order to perform both kind of conversions, conv_opt must be set to 3.

Return value:  Return value ( logical  )

The function returns YES when the question was answered positively. Otherwise it returns NO.

Implementation details

logical PropertyHandle  :: Contains ( NString &cnstring, logical case_opt=YES, logical conv_opt=NO )

When the instance is a structures instance, the function is called for all attributes and MEMO fields in the selected instance. Otherwise the data in the attribute or MEMO field is checked.

  • cnstring - String containing the text
  • case_opt - Case sensitive

    The option indicates case sensitive data in text (YES)

    Default: YES
  • conv_opt - Data conversion required Default: NO