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PropertyHandle :: GetParentProperty - Get high property

The function returns the next higher property handle. For references and relationships this is the next higher independent instance property handle, i.e. the next higher reference, relationship or shared base structure property. For attributes, it depends on the way the attribute node has been opened and might be another attribute property, but also the next higher reference or relationship property.

The handle returned might share its cursor other handles in the application, which asked for the parent property handle. To get a private copy of the parent property handle one may use the copy constructor:


GetParentProperty() returns a so-called static property handle, which is not able to react on type changes in upper weak-typed property handles. To avoid problems with static property handles (error 348) create a dynamic property handle as described above or by with


The parent property handle is the next higher handle in the application hierarchy, which might differ from the structural hierarchy, i.e. usually one gets the property handle as parent, which has been used for opening or constructing the current property handle. An exception are static property handles, which always return its structural parent.

Return value:  Pointer to property handle ( PropertyHandle * )

Is a pointer to an (usually) opened property handle.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - internal feature (not documented)
    PropertyHandle * PropertyHandle  :: GetParentProperty (  )
  2. to list
  3. Get parent property with given type
    PropertyHandle * PropertyHandle  :: GetParentProperty ( NString &typenames )

    The function looks for the parent property in the parent hierarchy with the type passed in typenames. In case of weak typed collection, the base type of the collection is checked

    • typenames - Type name
  4. to list