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PropertyHandle :: ProvideOperation - Provide operation handle

In order to avoid reopening of an operation handle for the same expression, one may search for an operation handle by using this function. The function returns the operation handle for the given expression if it has been created already. If not the function creates an operation handle.

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( OperationHandle * )

Implementation details

OperationHandle * PropertyHandle  :: ProvideOperation ( NString &expression )
  • expression - Inline expression

    An ad hoc expression can be passed as operand (something like a + b) or as complete expression. As operand, an expression may contain any expression, which is allowed in a statement, but no semicolon should be appended. Complete expressions include expression header (optional) and may include different sections in the expression body which is enclosed in { ... }.

    In contrast to class expressions, ad hoc expressions are not defined explicitly as class expressions but passed as strings to the application at run time.

    operand: a + funct(b)

    complete expression :

    bool expr(int a)


