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Client :: loadFile - Load file for update

Besides automatic update, files may be loaded for explicit update. Files, that have already been listen in the UPDATE_FILES client option are updated when connecting the client. Further files may be loaded calling this function.

Return value:  File path ( odaba::String & )

Implementation details

odaba::String Client  :: loadFile ( odaba::String &sRequest )

Files to be updated have to be passed in sRequest, a string with the following syntax:

    sRequest := source:target

source - is a file name relative to the UPDATE_FILES location defined in the server's ini-file. It may contain sub-directory paths.

target - defines the client file or directory for files to be updated and may contain option variables defined in the client environment.

When downloading compressed files (.ozi, .zip), those will be unpacked to the location defined as target for the download, as soon as the extension of the target differs from source. All other files are copied directly.

When updating a file, last update timestamp is checked before downloading. In order to skip timestamp check and update the file in any case, '>' may be used instead of colon.

    sRequest := source>target;...

  • sRequest - Update request

    The string defines source and target for the update request.