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Date :: day - Day number

The day property is the day value for the current date (dd of yyyymmdd).

Return value:  Day ( int32  )

Day of the month. The value should range between 1 and 31.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get day from date
    int32 Date  :: day (  )

    The function returns the day of the month from the date value.

  2. to list
  3. Set day in date
    int32 Date  :: day ( int32 iDay )

    The function changes the day value in the current date to iDay. The function does not check the day value, except that the value is between 1 and 31. When the day value exceeds the number of days in the defined month, the month value will increase automatically.

    • iDay - Day

      Day of the month. The value should range between 1 and 31.

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