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DateTime :: month - Get number of month

The month property is the month value for the current date (mm of yyyymmdd).

Return value:  Month ( int32  )

Month of the year. The value should range between 1 and 12.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get number of month
    int32 DateTime  :: month (  )

    The function returns the month of the year from the date value.

  2. to list
  3. Set month in date
    int32 DateTime  :: month ( int32 iMonth )

    The function changes the month value in the current date to iMonth. The function does not check the month value, except that the value is greater than 0. When the month value less than 0, the function throws an exception. When the month value is greater than 12, it will be adjusted and the year number will increase.

    • iMonth - Month

      Month of the year. The value should range between 1 and 12.

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