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DateTime :: subtractWorkingDays - Subtract number of working days from date value

This is a simplified version of the function, which considers all days from Monday to Friday as working days but not taking into account holidays.

In order to obtain the nearest working day (before), one may pass 0 in iDays. When the day in the date value is a working day already, it remains unchanged in this case.

Return value:  Time stamp ( odaba::DateTime & )

A time stamp combines date and time

Implementation details

odaba::DateTime & DateTime  :: subtractWorkingDays ( int32 iDays )

The function subtracts the number of working days passed in iDays from the date value. Passing a negative value in iDays the number of days will be added (addWorkingDays()).

  • iDays - Set date from days

    The function calculates the date from the number of days passed in iDayNum. The value must be greater than 0.