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Property :: globalLoid - Get local unique identifier (LOID)

The function returns the local unique object identifier (LOID) looking in the current collection and all super-sets in the super-set hierarchy (global scope). The function returns 0, when the instance could not be located in the current collection.

Return value:  Local instance identity ( int64  )

The object or instance identity is a unique identity within a database.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get identity for current instance settings
    int64 Property  :: globalLoid (  )

    In order to look up an instance in global scope, key component values might be set in a selected instance (initializedInstance()). This implementation extracts the key value from the selected instance for looking for an instance in the collection hierarchy.

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  3. Get identity for key value
    int64 Property  :: globalLoid ( odaba::Key &cKey )

    The implementation looks for an instance with the key value passed in cKey. When an instance is selected in the property handle, the function will deselect the selected instance (top()).

    • cKey - Key value

      A key value is the key definition and a value for the key. The key value is typically provided in ESDF format. Other formats might be set (OIF, XML)

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