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Property :: instanceUpdateCount - Get instance modification count

The property returns an internal modification count for a persistent instance. This allows checking whether the instance has been updated by another user or application after last reading it, since each modification will increase the modification count stored in the database.

Since the modification count is rotating (starting again with 1 after reaching 65,535) this is a "nearly" save indication, only. Thus, it is suggested to use server event handler in order to react on instance modifications.

The function throws an exception, when the property handle is not located, i.e. when no instance can be selected.


The modification count is updated, when an updated instance is stored to database. Thus, the modification count does not provide information about application internal modifications.

Return value:  Number of items ( int32  )

The value contains the number of items to be processed or stored in a collection.

Implementation details

int32 Property  :: instanceUpdateCount (  )