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Property :: keyCheck - Key check property

The key check property can be switched on in order to optimize evaluation of filter expressions. When key check is switched on, filter expressions are checked against key components, only.

The option should be switched on, when a defined filter condition is based on properties, only, which are key components for the selected access key. Otherwise, checking filter expressions might return incorrect result, since all properties (attributes), which are not key components, are initialized with their initial value when checking the instance.

When the property handle refers to an operation path or transient property, key check is set for the result property.

The key check option is automatically switched on when setting keyFilter(vExpression). It is automatically switched off, when setting an instance filter (filter(vExpression)).

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get key check state
    bool Property  :: keyCheck (  )

    The function returns true, when key check is switched on and false otherwise.

  2. to list
  3. Enable or disable key check
    bool Property  :: keyCheck ( bool bKeyCheck )

    The function enables or disables key check according to the key check option passed in bKeyCheck.

    • bKeyCheck - Key check option

      In order to enable key check rather than instance check, this option has to be set to true. Passing false indicates disabled key check.

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