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Email :: send - Send email

Before sending an email, sender and receiver have to be set as well as email message. In case of sending attachments, those have to be added to the email also before sending. Host and port may be set before calling the function. When neither passing not setting host and port before calling sent, default values for host and port are taken from options Options.Email.Host and Options.Email.Port.

In order to connect to email server, user name and password are required. When not passing user name and password to the function, those have to be provided via options Options.Email.User and Options.Email.Password.

When sending emails via port 25 or when curl has not been installed, the function uses POP before SMTP in order to connect to the email server.

In order to use advanced email support, cURL has to be installed. In this case additional verification options may be set as email options (Options.Email.VerifyHost and Options.Email.VerifyPeer).

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Send email using option settings
    bool Email  :: send (  )

    This function is typically called, when email settings as host, port, user name and password are set in email options (Options.Email....).

  2. to list
  3. Send email via user account
    bool Email  :: send ( odaba::String &cUserName, odaba::String &cPassword )

    In order to execute the function properly, host and port have to be set by the application before or in corresponding option variables.

    • cUserName - - internal feature (not documented)
    • cPassword - - internal feature (not documented)
  4. to list