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MP3Frame :: text - MP3 frame text

The MP3 frame text may be stored with different character encoding (UTf8, UTF16 or Latin1). UTF16 encoding may be preceded by a BOM. The text property is provided with the encoding corresponding to the MP3 frame text encoding, but without BOM information. In order to store text with BOM, the frame encoding has to be set to 0x01.

When the frame is invalid, the function throws an exception.

Return value:  Text string ( odaba::String & )

The text string contains text with any kind of character encoding.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get MP3 frame text
    odaba::String MP3Frame  :: text (  )

    The frame text is provided with appropriate encoding but without encoding character.

    When no MP3Frame reference object is assigned or when the assigned object is invalid, the function throws an exception.

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  3. Set MP3 frame text
    odaba::String MP3Frame  :: text ( odaba::String &sText )

    The text encoding for the frame is set according to the encoding defined for the string passed in cnstring:

    • UTF8 - 0x03
    • UTF16 - 0x02
    • UTF32 - 0x02 (after recoding to UTF16)
    • other - 0x00 (after recoding to latin1)

    In case of UTF16 and UTF32, BOM is supported when encoding has been set to 0x01 before setting the text.

    When no MP3Frame reference object is assigned or when the assigned object is invalid, the function throws an exception.


    Encoding with BOM (0x01) is not yet supported.

    • sText - Text string

      The text string contains text with any kind of character encoding.

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