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Persistent collection

Keywords:  persistence type

References refer to persistent collection by default, when being defined as a property of a persistent instance or as extent. For persistent references, the transient option must be switched off. Persistent collections never have a source definition.

Collections defined as property (reference or relationship) of temporary or transient instances are, by default, transient or temporary, i.e. transient is supposed to be set to true.

Persistent collections never have a data source. When changing the persistence type to persistent, data source definitions are removed or ignored.

Persistent collections are filled when reading the owning instance or opening an extent. No special user action is required.


Complex data types referred to in references should not contain (or not use) relationships. Relationships used in reference data types cannot be maintained properly. Thus, importing relationships in reference collections from OIF files may fail or inverse relationships are not maintained properly. Since complex data types might be used in different contexts, this condition is not checked when checking a complex data type.