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Locate instance (LOC)

The command locates an instance in the referenced collection. Locating an instance will reset the selections for all subsequent collections in the hierarchy. After locating an instance it is selected in the collection.


  • key_value - key value for the instance to be located (ordered collection). When the key value is a numeric key or contains special characters, it has to be put in quotes.
  • pos - position of instance to be located in the collection (relative 0).
  • -S - show key for the instance located
    • -Dn - re-direction to other data source.
  • -Cn - re-direction to other collection in the hierarchy or in the data source referenced by -Dn.


  loc [key_value|pos] -S -Dn -Cn


  loc Miller|Paul  // locate instance for key 'Paul|Miller'

  loc 0            // locate first instance n collection

  loc "0"          // locate instance with key value '0'