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Do for all instances in current collection (FA)

The statement allows running command for all instances in a collection. FA starts with the currently selected instance or with the first one when no instance is selected in the collection. The complete FA statement including command or BEGIN/DO has to be defined on a single line.


  • command - The command to be executed in each iteration of the loop. For processing a block of statements one may use CALL for running a pre-defined procedure or a BEGIN/DO-END block.
  • -Dn - re-direction to other data source.
  • -Cn - re-direction to other collection in the hierarchy or in the data source referenced by -Dn.
  • -In - limit number of iterations to n.


  fa command -Dn -Cn -In


  fa lav         // List attribute values for instances in a collection

  fa call proc1  // run procedure proc1 for instances in the collection

  fa lav -D2 -C1 //show attributes for instances in collection 1 of data

                 // source 2

  fa do          // run the list of subsequent commands for all instances in

  ...            // current collection beginning at selected instance

  end            // ('end' requested at end of commandlist)