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Create the Sample project (Windows)

The CreateProject function can be called from the ODABA root directory (installation path), which may be "C:\Program Files\odaba" or something similar when relying on the default or the location, which had been defined in --prefix when configuring the system.

    ...>C:\Program Files\odaba\CreateProject

CreateProject allocates project resources in a local project directory below C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\odaba\project_name. The command files created are configured for calling services for the local project. In order to share project resources, it may be useful to place resources on proper locations and update shell and configuration files by changing locations for referenced resources and server type, when this becomes necessary..

12-11-07 - Running CreateProject with:

Setting up ODABA project environment ...

Enter ODABA path  [L:\odet\] :

Enter project name  [] : Sample

Enter project path  [C:\Documents and Settings\my_user\odaba\Sample] : E:\Sample

Use ClassEditor Y(es)/N(o)  [YES] :

Use Designer Y(es)/N(o)  [YES] :

Use Terminus Y(es)/N(o)  [YES] :

Current project settings ...

ODABA path          : L:\odet\

Project name        : Sample

Project path        : E:\Sample

Use ClassEditor     : YES

Use Designer        : YES

Use Terminus        : YES

  ... enter (a)ccept/(c)ancel/(r)epeat [a] :

E:\Sample\ode.ini created

E:\Sample\OShell.cmd created

E:\Sample\OSI.cmd created

E:\Sample\ODL.cmd created

E:\Sample\ClassEditor.cmd created

E:\Sample\Designer.cmd created

E:\Sample\Terminus.cmd created

Start ODE application ClassEditor Y(es)/N(o) [YES] : n


When the first prompt does not display an absolute path to the ODABA system folder location (second line in the example), you have to enter the absolute path to the ODABA folder explicitly. Otherwise, one may just press enter.