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OShell Command Reference

OShell is a command line utility that allows running most of the ODABA access functions from a command line. In contrast to OSI, OShell is not a query tool, but a way to navigate through a database similar to navigating through the directory structure on a disk. OShell commands are not case sensitive. For documentation purposes upper case letters are used in this chapter. Most of commands have got an abbreviation. Details for calling OShell are described in 3.1_DatabaseUtilities

Typically, OShell is called as

OShell ini_file [script_file]

A script file may be passed in order to run a predefined request. When the script file does not contain a quit command, OShell changes into command line input mode, which allows entering further commands.

Typically, one has do select a data source and a data collection at the beginning:

        CD Sample

        CC Companies

In order to enable certain options (e.g. for debugging), one may use the SET command. The following topics contain a short description for available commands.

When parameters passed to a command contain spaces or other special characters, parameters have to be passed within apostrophes (') or quotes ("). In order to insert comment lines, those have to begin with double slash (//).

Additional options may be passed to many commands, which are indicated b '-' (e.g. -D1). Options are always optional, but not always explicitly marked as such.

All OShell commands are case insensitive. Most command may be called with a short command name.