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C# Context Classes

Using .NET for implementing context classes is a bit simpler than implementing C++ context classes, since .NET provides a dynamic interface, and thus, no interface has to be provided by the application. One might mix .NET context classes with OSI context classes, but not with C++ context classes, i.e. one has to decide whether the interface is implemented in C++/OSI or C#/OSI. One might also mix C# and OSI context functions in the same class. In this case, the context class should be defined as C# context class.

.Net context assemblies on network shares

Loading managed assemblies from the network by default is restricted to assemblies with a strong name (read signed assemblies). If you require to load your context assemblies from a network share you have three options:

  • Using signed assemblies -This is the most secure option although the most inflexible one too (see Versioning and signing .Net context assemblies).
  • Register trusted host: One may include the host that provides the network share into the list of trusted hosts (usually when loading unsigned assemblies from a host it should be trusted anyway). To do that see
  • General permission: One may generally allow assemblies loaded from the network (not suggested, since this allows any webpage to do anything on the pc as soon starting browsing using the internet explorer).
Versioning and signing .Net context assemblies

In order to enable secure execution of .Net assemblies from a network share, one has to assign what Microsoft(tm) calls a 'Strong Name' and what practically means signing them. Microsoft decided that only signed assemblies are allowed to link against signed assemblies which means that one has either to sign everything or nothing. Futhermore, using a signed assembly ties the component to the exact version of the assembly, and thus, it is strongly recommented to use assemblies with properly set AssemblyVersionAttribute, which allows using different versions at the same time.

The general process of signing .Net assemblies is described in detail at There is also a trick documented in order to sign third party assemblies (see, although doing so, most propably one will violate license agreements with that third party vendor.

For enabling signing C# context assembly from the ODE ClassEditor please follow the subsequent steps:

  • When there is no key available for signing the assembly, a key has to be generated by starting Visual Studio command line and run: sn -k <path-to-your-key>.
  • In the `bat' subdirectory of the ODE project directory open the `vsdll_cs.bat' and append the following line: /KEYFILE:<path-to-your-key>

That's it. From now on C# context assembly should be signed automatically when using the build function provided in the ClassEditor.

In order to enable versioning all one has to to is to create a file called `<name-of-assembly>.cs' in the `rc' subdirectory of the project directory. The content of that file should look more or less like the code in the Example below. That's all, from now on the assembly will get new version everytime when it is build. For major and minor version changes one has to adjust the `AssemblyVersionAttribute' manually.


[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute(".net-context example")]


[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("run-Softwarewerkstatt GmbH")]


[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("Copyright \xA9 1994-2018 run Software-Werkstatt GmbH")]

[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("Example project demonstrating the use of .net-context classes")]