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Convert data to complex value or array

When assigning a value to an array, as many values as defined in the right operand will be assigned to the array. Remaining array elements for the left operand will be initialized. Remaining elements for the right operand are ignored. When assigning an elementary value to a complex value, the first attribute of the complex data type is filled, while remaining attributes will be initialized.

Number conversion

When converting an elementary value (number) to an array or complex value, the value is assigned to the first array element or attribute in the complex value. In case of an array of complex values, the value is assigned to the first attribute of the first array element. All other elementary values of the target value will be initialized.

String conversion

Strings may contain complex values in ESDF format. When assigning an elementary string value to a complex or array value, only the first elementary value will be set to the value passed in the string. Remaining array values or values in a complex value will be initialized.

When passing a complex value in the string, the value is interpreted according to the type of the target value, i.e. value elements in the string are assigned to array elements, when the target of conversion is an array or to attribute values, when the target is a complex value. Each subassignment follows the conversion rules described so far, i.e. the complexity of values that can be converted is not limited.

Converting complex values

Converting complex value to complex value means converting a complex attribute to another complex attribute. In this case. metadata is available and values are assigned by name. Values appearing in the source operand (parameter or right hand operand) but not in the target, will be ignored (without warning). Values in defined in the target, but not in the source, will be initialized in the target. Values for attributes defined in both are converted according to the rules described so far.