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Data excahnge options

In order to control reserved characters, special data exchange options may be provided below the DATEX option (or section):

  • FIELDSEP - Field separator between field assignments or values (OIF, ESDF, CSV). In order to define tab as field separator, one may set the option to \t. Default: ;
  • STRINGSEP - string delimiters for enclosing string values. String delimiters are required, when string values contain special characters as separators or line break characters. Default:"
  • STRINGSEP_IN_STRING - presentation of string delimiters within strings. When defining a value different from default (e.g. STRINGSEP_IN_STRING=""), default C-string conversion will be disabled. Default: \"
  • FORCE_QUOTES - string delimiters have to be set for all strings regardless whether string values contain special characters or not. When the option is set to false (NO), string separators are required only, when strings contain special characters. Default: false
  • REPLACEMENTS - The option allows defining replacement rules for data import. By default, C-string conversion is performed when importing data (e.g. from .csv files). Defining replacements will disable C-string conversion. Replacement rules are separated by ; and define source and target string separated by :.

; ini file example




