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System input and output

System input and output control (SystemIO) is a thread-save administration object, which supports application independent methods for application output (run-time messages) and user input. SystemIO supports SystemIO supports several output media and one input medium. Output media are:

  • Message area - Console or a GUI control, which receives application messages for the user
  • Status line - Typically a GUI message area on bottom of the application or console (on same line)
  • Progress information - Usually a progress bar in an GUI application or console output (on same line)
  • Protocol file - Mainly used in connection with output to message area

More information about using SystemIO you will find in the SystemClass documentation (Reference documentation / ODABA application interface / OSI interface service classes).

SystemIO is controlled via several options which refer to output locations, but also to the way of displaying output data. SystemIO options are defined in the option documentation (Reference documentation / Common ODABA options) in the SystemIO section.

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