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Transient Properties

Keywords:  transient property

Transient properties are properties not stored to the database. One may define transient properties (collections or attributes) known in the application, only, by defining property handles for properties without reference to the database. Those are typically attributes.

Defining transient collection requires more information which must be provided in the data model (see "Using non persistent references"). The data model allows also defining transient attributes or references within persistent data types. Defining and using transient properties is rather simple and described in the following section. Defining transient references or relationships is possible in various ways depending on purpose. Different variants of defining transient properties is described in structure topic "References" (data model).

  // transient attribute 'number'

  PropertyHandle       number(0);  

  // transient collection defined in the data model

  PropertyHandle       retired(obh, "RetiredPersons", PI_Read);