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ODABA Script Interface (OSI)

The ODABA Script Interface (OSI) is a C++ or JAVA like programming language. One may write simple queries using OSI but also complex programs or a mixture of it.

OSI functions may run as application functions, but also as application or business rues, i.e. one may provide application (GUI) or business (database) rules coded in OSI as well. Context classes also may contain mixed implementations, i.e. OSI functions as well as C++ or C# functions. OSI interfaces are provided for all GUI and database context classes as well as for all database access classes (odaba interface).

OSI allows executing defined expressions, but it is closely connected to ODL, i.e. it may also contain definitions for the object model. In contrast to ODL, OSI will not store model definitions to the dictionary.

OSI details are described in Language References.