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Programming errors

Programming errors may have different reasons. Typical errors are invalid property references (invalid access paths), lock errors or environment errors.

Programming errors do not cause database problems and must be solved in the application. Many programming errors are reported in the error.lst file, which is stored in the folder referred to in the TRACE option.

Since ODABA provides exception handling for all interface functions, exceptions are not passed to the application, also when being fired from an application event handler. In order to recognize database errors in the application, SDBError().CheckError() should be called.

Typical programming errors are:

  • 0109 - invalid property or access path
  • 0028 - cannot update instance because it is read-only
  • 0079 - invalid index (key) name

// reporting database error

  if ( err_code = SDBError().CheckError() ) {

    printf("Error %i raised (%s)\n",err_code,SDBError().GetText());

