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ADM_ProcessQueue - Process queue

Inherits:  SDB_Resource

Process queues will be setup for each user logged in to the application. Applications not setting a user identification will work on a single queue fed by all active users.

Depending on the processing mode defined for the queue, queue requests can be processed immediately, locally or central by a process engine. The queue status can be switched while running processes.

Processes in local queues are skipped by the global process engine.

A process will be removed (deleted) from the process queue, when it has reported to its owning client. This is, usually, the client with the user name stored in the queue. When, however, running several applications by the same user, the process engine cannot determine, where to send the result and the first client processing the queue will receive the message.

In order to process local requests, the client must call ProcessLocalQueue() with the database handle managing the queue. In order to process requests from all clients, the process must call ProcessGlobalQueue() with the database handle managing the process requests.
