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ADK_EventActionControl - Event action control

Inherits:  ADK_EventAction

Event action controls provide common definitions for event actions (standards). Event action controls might be referenced from event actions, which may overload parts of the event action control. When referring to an event action control by several event actions, all these event actions are considered as one action item (odabagui::ActionItem), i.e. hiding or disabling the action item will hide or disable all presentations of the event action (toolbar, context menu).

Event action controls might also be defined for overloading standard actions. In order to overload the DeleteEntry system action by another definition (text, icon etc,.), the action just needs to be defined as event action control in the resource database for the application.

Event action controls are defined globally in the extent ADK_EventActionControl.

In order to define hierarchical elements (sub menu or menu button), subordinated events have to be defined in the sub_actions collection. For grouping actions in a menu or tool bar, sub actions fave to be defined in the group actions list. When defining group actions and sub actions, group actions will be ignored.
