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SDB_NameSpace - Name space

Inherits:  SDB_Type

A name space is an abstract data type. Especially, each complex type definition is a name space, but not each name space is a complex data type.

Name space extents

A name space defines a number of local overload extents. For supporting extensive documentation features, two parallel extent hierarchies are defined, where each one is identified by its prefix:

RES_ - resource extents

MOD_ - model extents

The name space structure is mainly defined by the resource extents, which provide also the necessary documentation. Model extents are derived from the appropriate resource extent by based and shared base structures. Thus, the documentation hierarchy can be developed prior to the model element hierarchy, i.e. one may change the documentation (e.g. preparing a new release) without touching the current model specification.

Resource Extents

Resource extents define a generic resource structure, which is the base for the documentation structure as well as for the data model structure. All resource extents are containing SDB_Resource instances, which provide the necessary documentation feature.

Resource extents are defined in the following hierarchy:



















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