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ActionItem :: enabled - Action items enabled

By default, control action items are enabled. The property is set to false, when one of the action items is disabled and true, when all action items are disabled.

The action item's enable state will influence the appearance for all associated action items (menu items, toolbar buttons). The property does not influence the appearance of push buttons or control, unless the control itself is an action item associated with the action, which is a rare case.

Disabled actions cannot be executed in the context of the control, i.e. even an explicit call of executeAction() will be refused, when the action is disabled.


Disabling actions associated with push buttons will disable the action, but not the button, i.e. one may still press the button but without any effect.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Is action enabled
    bool ActionItem  :: enabled (  )

    The property returns false, when at least one of the action items is disabled. When all action items are enabled, the function returns true.

  2. to list
  3. Set enable state for action
    bool ActionItem  :: enabled ( bool bEnable )

    The function changes the enable state of the action to the value passed in bEnable.

    • bEnable - Enable resource

      In order to enable the referenced resource true should be passed. Passing false will disable the resource.

  4. to list