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ActionItem :: hidden - Hidden state

The hidden state for action items shows, whether the action items have been hidden, i.e. they are disabled and not visible. When action items are only set to "not visible", the action can still be executed, e.g. when pressing an appropriate short cut. In order to avoid executing the action, it has to be disabled.

The property is set to false, when one of the action items is hidden and true, when all action items are "not hidden".

When being hidden, disabled is true and visible is false. Setting action items to disabled (enabled(false)) and not visible (visible(false)), action items are not automatically considered as hidden. In order to set action items to hidden, this property has to be set explicitly.


Hidden is here not the opposite for visible.

Return value:  State of function return ( bool  )

A State true indicates, that the function was executed successfully. Otherwise state is false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Is action hidden
    bool ActionItem  :: hidden (  )

    The property returns true, when at least one of the action items is hidden and false otherwise.

  2. to list
  3. Set hidden state
    bool ActionItem  :: hidden ( bool bHidden )

    The state of the action will be set to hidden, when passing true in bHidden and to not hidden otherwise.

    • bHidden - - internal feature (not documented)
  4. to list