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ActionItem :: toggled - Action items toggle state

By default, control action items are not toggled. The property is set to true, when one of the action items is toggled and false, when none of the action items is toggled.

When toggling an action that has not been defined as toggle action, the action is turned into a toggle action automatically.

Return value:  State of function return ( bool  )

A State true indicates, that the function was executed successfully. Otherwise state is false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get toggled state
    bool ActionItem  :: toggled (  )

    The property returns true, when action items are toggled (at least one) and false otherwise.

  2. to list
  3. Set toggle state
    bool ActionItem  :: toggled ( bool bToggle )

    The function sets the toggle state for all items to the value passed

    • bToggle - - internal feature (not documented)
  4. to list