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ControlContext :: enabled - Enabled property

The property indicates, whether the control is enabled or not. When a control is disabled, it is still visible, but it does not react. i.e. lists cannot scroll and no context menu appears. Usually, disabled controls appear differently from enabled ones.

Return value:  State of function return ( bool  )

A State true indicates, that the function was executed successfully. Otherwise state is false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Is control enabled
    bool ControlContext  :: enabled (  )

    The function returns, whether the control is enabled (true) or not (false).

  2. to list
  3. Change enabled state
    bool ControlContext  :: enabled ( bool bEnable )

    The function disables or enables the control. Passing true in bEnable will enable the control. Passing false will disable the control.


    Protected actions that are not permitted currently, cannot be enabled and remain in disabled state.

    • bEnable - Enable resource

      In order to enable the referenced resource true should be passed. Passing false will disable the resource.

  4. to list