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GUIBaseContext :: waitPointer - Mouse pointer state property

The mouse pointer supports two states: 'wait' or 'busy' (true) and 'normal' (false).

Return value:  Set pointer to wait ( bool  )

Passing true causes the mouse pointer to be set to wait or busy (e.g. hourglass). Passing false will reset the pointer to its default image.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Returns mouse pointer state
    bool GUIBaseContext  :: waitPointer (  )

    The function returns the mouse pointer state as true, when being busy or waiting and false otherwise.

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  3. Set mouse pointer state
    bool GUIBaseContext  :: waitPointer ( bool bPointerWait )

    The function changes the mouse pointer state to waiting or busy when passing true and to normal otherwise (false).

    • bPointerWait - Set pointer to wait

      Passing true causes the mouse pointer to be set to wait or busy (e.g. hourglass). Passing false will reset the pointer to its default image.

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