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Layout :: labelFont - Label font

The label font defines the label text layout for the control or list header.

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( odabagui::Font  )

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get label font from layout
    odabagui::Font Layout  :: labelFont (  )

    The function returns the label font from the layout. The font is is a copy of the layout label font, i.e. changes do not have any effect untilt explicitly setting the font in the layout.

  2. to list
  3. Change layout label font
    odabagui::Font Layout  :: labelFont ( odabagui::Font &cFont )

    The function completely replaces the front currently set for the label layout by the font passed in cFont.

    • cFont - Constant font

      The font provides text layout properties in order to define the way, text will be displayed.

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