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Line :: expanded - Expanded property

In a tree, an item which has got sub items, might be expanded or collapsed. The property is true, when sub items are visible (expanded) and false, when sub-items are hidden.

Return value:  State of function return ( bool  )

A State true indicates, that the function was executed successfully. Otherwise state is false.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get expanded state
    bool Line  :: expanded (  )

    The function returns, whether an item is expanded (true) or not (false). When no list item is attached to the line, the function throws an exception.

  2. to list
  3. Change expanded state
    bool Line  :: expanded ( bool bState )

    When passing true in bState, the the attached list item will be expanded and sub items become visible. When passing false in bState, the item collapse and sub items become invisible.

    When no list item is attached to the line, the function throws an exception.

    • bState - State of function return

      A State true indicates, that the function was executed successfully. Otherwise state is false.

  4. to list