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Prepare activity log

In order to control activity log actions in the GUI application, it is suggested to add activity log default actions to the main toolbar of the application. Activity log actions are visible, only, when the activity log has been activated in the ini-file. When a session is recorded, a red button appears in the toolbar (stop recording action), which informs the user, that the session is recorded.

Activity log action buttons are not the only way to control activity log actions, because all actions may also be started using control key combinations, but in this case, the current state of the activity log is not visible.

Following actions are defined as default actions in Designer:

Start recording (ctrl+alt+F10)

The action ActionLogRecord is active by default, when the activity log has been activated for recording in the ini file. While recording, the action button is hidden and the stop recoding action button is shown. When starting recording, the action will be hidden and the ActionLogStop action becomes visible.

; section for recording sessions



Stop recording (ctrl+alt+F9)

The action ActionLogStop is visible, while recording is running. It indicates, the the session is recorded, but may also be used to stop recording. When stopping recording during a session, replay the session may not work properly. When stopping recording, the action will be hidden and the ActionLogRecord action becomes visible.

Replay recording (ctrl+alt+F12)

When the session has been configured for replay in the ini-file, the ActionLogRun action button is visible after starting the GUI application. Replay starts after clicking the action button. While replaying, the action is hidden and the ActionLogPause action becomes visible. When replay has been finished, the ActionLogStop action is shown and recording is continued appending the log file replayed.

; suggested ini-file section for replay







Pause replay

While replaying a session, the ActionLogPause action button becomes visible in order to stop replaying the session for a while. After stopping the session the ActionLogRun action button becomes visible in order to restart replaying.