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Build support

The ClassEditor supports some default build environments for gcc, MS Visual Studio C++ (vs) and the OBE (obe) build environment. Since the build environment is called via actions, one may also call any other build environment, supposed it supports the following functions (e.g. via command file interfaces):

  • Compile C++ class (xxcompile_cpp)
  • Compile C# project (xxcompile_cs)
  • Link C++ library (xxlink_cppdll)
  • Link C# library (xxlink_csdll)
  • Link C++ executable (xxlink_cppexe)
  • Extract errors from error log for display (ShowError())

xx is the build identifier selected in the project environment (gcc, vs, cs, obe etc.). More details about action calls and its parameters are described in the topic Using and configuring actions.

When OSI has been selected as implementation language, no build environment is required, since OSI is a script language and OSI implementations do not pass a build process. Default procedures are provided with the installation in the bat sub folder in the installation directory. In order to set specific compiler or linker options, one may change these procedures.

The parameters documented in the procedures are provided via action calls. These action calls might also be configured according to specific requirements of the project. When changing the parameters passed to the action call, the called procedures have to be updated too.