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Data model conversion

A checked ODABA database model can be converted to several types or relational models (MySQL, ORACLE, MS SQL server, ANSI SQL). In order to convert data type and extent definitions for a module or project into SQL table definitions, one may call the appropriate action from the module or project window in ClassEditor. By selecting a module or project in the application tree, the project or module window will be displayed in the work area. The toolbar of the work window provides the schema generator menu, which offers several external schema types:

After selecting the required model format from the sub menu, appropriate SQL table statements are generated to the file location shown in the output area. Details for model conversion rules are described in

or in the ODABA (base) online documentation at User's Guides/ODABA data storage formats.

Since naming conventions differ, some relational database models require name-maps for defining proper table names for m:n relationships. Naming maps are required especially for ORACLE and MySQL. Naming maps become part of the model specification and are stored in the resource database. In order to browse name mappings, one may select Objects/SQL Targets from the ClassEditors main menu.