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Object model definition by using edit forms

In order to update model definition resources, but also for creating new model definition resources, the ClassEditor provides a direct way of defining model resources by means of appropriate forms. The following sections describe how to create and update resources using resource editor facilities provided by the ClassEditor.

Defining an object model includes following activities:

  • Defining enumerated value lists (Enumerations)
  • Defining complex data types (Structures)
  • Defining global collections (Extents)

Other elements shown in the tree belong to the functional model. In order to update object model definition or in order to create new definition elements, experienced users may use appropriate resource editors.

Model resource definitions provide some common features, that might be activated while defining or updating an object model:

  • Resource reference - provides a link to related information
  • Documentation topic - allows documenting any kind of development resource
  • Notices - provide an internal comment feature for development resources.