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Run CreateProject (Windows)

After installing ODABA, a new menu item ODABA has been inserted in the Start menu, which provides several sub-items. The Create Project item allows creating a new project.

When the menu item is not available, one may call CreateProject directly from your installation folder:


The example below shows the suggested input options. As project path, one may chose any other location, but than you need to update the procedures in the Sample folder (runODL.bat).

It is suggest to setup the project for Designer and ClassEditor, which are the most important development tools for building ODABA applications.

Setting up the project will initialize the resource database for defining data models, functional models and application design. After finishing the procedure, one should call ClassEditor in order to initialize development resources.

Setting up ODABA project environment ...

Enter ODABA path  [C:\Programme\ODABA] :

Enter project name  [] : MyProject

Enter project path  [C:\Programme\ODABA\Projects\MyProject] : E:\MyProject

Use ClassEditor Y(es)/N(o)  [YES] :

Use Designer Y(es)/N(o)  [YES] :

Use Terminus Y(es)/N(o)  [YES] :

Current project settings ...

ODABA path          : C:\Programme\ODABA

Project name        : MyProject

Project path        : E:\MyProject

Use ClassEditor     : YES

Use Designer        : YES

Use Terminus        : YES

  ... enter (a)ccept/(c)ancel/(r)epeat [a] :

Start ODE application ClassEditor Y(es)/N(o) [YES] :