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.Net wrapper library

For using the ODABA .Net interface from within MS VB Script, a wrapper library has to be provided for several reasons. The example below shows the wrapper library used for in MS Word macros for document generation.

The ODatabase class Provides functions that allow opening an ODABA database by means of an ini-file. Moreover, it provides functions for reading current option settings (GetOption()) and providing extent property handles (GetProperty()).

The OProperty class provides property handle access functions. Since several function names used in ODABA are reserved names in VB, some function names had to be changed (e.g. next() became ReadNext()).

Finally, the OValue class provides enhanced value access to values stored in the database.

The example below is part of the .Net project provided for MS Office support.

Option Strict Off

Option Explicit On

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgId("ODatabase_NET.ODatabase")> Public Class ODatabase

    Public ds As odaba.DataSource

    Public db As odaba.Database

    Public dbo As odaba.ObjectSpace

    Public index As Integer

    Public stati As Integer

    Public Function Open(ByRef inifile As String, ByRef section As String) As Boolean

        Dim location As String

        Dim language As odaba.Option

        Open = True

        location = " (inifile='" & inifile & "', section='" & section & "') "

        odaba.Application.initialize(inifile, section, odaba.ApplicationTypes.ConsoleApplication)

        ds = New odaba.DataSource

        dbo = ds.objectSpace

        db = ds.database

        If dbo Is Nothing Or Not dbo.isValid Then

            MsgBox("DataSource" & location & "could not be opened")

            Open = False

        End If

        language = New odaba.Option("DSC_Language")

        If language.toString() = "" Then


        End If

    End Function

    Public Function Close() As Boolean

        'UPGRADE_NOTE: Object odaba may not be destroyed until it is garbage collected. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="vbup1029"'

        If Not IsNothing(db) Then


        End If

        If Not IsNothing(dbo) Then


        End If

        If Not IsNothing(ds) Then


        End If

        Close = True

    End Function

    Public Function GetOption(ByRef opt_name As String) As String

        Dim opt As odaba.Option

        opt = New odaba.Option(opt_name)

        GetOption = opt.toString()

    End Function

    Public Function GetProperty(ByRef ph As OProperty, Optional ByRef prop_path As String = "") As OProperty

        Dim oprop As OProperty

        Dim cond As Boolean

        oprop = New OProperty

        cond = False

        If prop_path <> "" Then

            If ph Is Nothing Then

                cond = oprop.Open(dbo, prop_path, odaba.AccessModes.Read)


                cond = oprop.Open(ph, prop_path)

            End If

        End If

        If cond Then

            GetProperty = oprop


            MsgBox("Could not open property handle for '" & prop_path & "'")

            GetProperty = Nothing

        End If

    End Function

End Class

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgId("OProperty_NET.OProperty")> Public Class OProperty

    Public prop As odaba.Property

    Public Function Count() As Integer

        Count = prop.count

    End Function

    Public Function Open(ByRef oprop As OProperty, ByVal path As String) As Boolean

        prop = New odaba.Property(oprop.prop, path)

        Open = True

    End Function

    Private Function Open(ByRef oprop As odaba.Property, ByVal path As String) As Boolean

        prop = New odaba.Property(oprop, path)

        Open = True

    End Function

    Public Function Open(ByRef db As odaba.ObjectSpace, ByVal osi_path As String, ByVal accmode As odaba.AccessModes) As Boolean

        prop = New odaba.Property(db, osi_path, accmode)

        Open = True

    End Function

    Public Function Read(ByRef key As String) As Boolean

        Dim skey As New odaba.Key(key)

        Read = False

        If prop.tryGet(skey) Then

            Read = True

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function Read(ByVal num As Integer) As Boolean

        Read = False

        If prop.tryGet(num) Then

            Read = True

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function ReadFirst(Optional ByVal read_opt As Boolean = True) As Boolean

        ReadFirst = prop.first(read_opt)

    End Function

    Public Function ReadLast(Optional ByVal read_opt As Boolean = True) As Boolean

        ReadLast = prop.last(read_opt)

    End Function

    Public Function ReadNext(Optional ByVal read_opt As Boolean = True) As Boolean

        ReadNext =

    End Function

    Public Function ReadPrevious(Optional ByVal read_opt As Boolean = True) As Boolean

        ReadPrevious =

    End Function

    Public Function OProperty(ByRef path As String) As OProperty

        Dim oprop As New OProperty

        If oprop.Open(prop, path) Then

            OProperty = oprop


            OProperty = Nothing

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function OValue(ByRef path As String) As OValue

        Dim oval As New OValue

        If oval.Open(prop, path) Then

            OValue = oval


            OValue = Nothing

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function Top() As Boolean

        Top = True

    End Function

    Public Function ODABAProperty() As odaba.Property

        ODABAProperty = prop

    End Function

End Class

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgId("OValue_NET.OValue")> Public Class OValue

    Public value As odaba.Value

    Public Function Open(ByRef oprop As OProperty) As Boolean

        value = oprop.prop.value()

        Open = True

    End Function

    Private Function Open(ByRef prop As odaba.Property) As Boolean

        value = prop.value()

        Open = True

    End Function

    Public Function Open(ByRef oprop As OProperty, ByRef path As String) As Boolean

        value = oprop.prop.value(path)

        Open = True

    End Function

    Public Function Open(ByRef prop As odaba.Property, ByRef path As String) As Boolean

        value = prop.value(path)

        Open = True

    End Function

    Public Function AsBoolean() As Boolean

        AsBoolean = False

        If AutoSelect() Then

            AsBoolean = value.toBool

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function AsInteger() As Integer

        AsInteger = 0

        If AutoSelect() Then

            AsInteger = value.toInteger

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function AsPlainText() As String

        AsPlainText = ""

        If AutoSelect() Then

            AsPlainText = value.toString.toPlainText

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function AsString() As String

        AsString = ""

        If AutoSelect() Then

            AsString = value.toString

        End If

    End Function

    Public Function AutoSelect() As Boolean

        AutoSelect = False

        If Then

            AutoSelect = True

        End If

    End Function

End Class