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_uc_Uml - Displaying class diagrams

The UML control is used for generating UML class diagrams at run-time from a ODABA development database. The information for class hierarchies is taken from class definitions in the resource database and turned into DOT script language. GraphViz generates a .png image, which will be displayed in the control.

The data source for the control is an ODC_ImpClass property handle (collection or single instance), which refers to the implementation class object in the database. When another class instance is selected, the control receives a fill event, which automatically causes the control to generate the graph for the newly selected class instance. As long as the control is hided, it does not receive fill events and no graph will be created.

In order to run the control properly, GraphViz has to be installed and has to be available in the load library path.

An example of the control has been made available in the ODE ClassEditor in the class view (tab Graph).