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classes - Implementation classes

Implementation classes providing implemented behavior may be referenced here. Implementation classes are referenced implicitly when being used as context class linked to one of the resources referenced in the component. Other classes may be referenced explicitly. Classes referenced in implementation classes have to be referenced explicitly, since the component copy function does not follow class references.

When a class is referenced, only, the complete class is copied with all functions and implementations. When a function group has been assigned but no function, functions in the function group and all its implementations will be copied. When a function is referenced but no implementation, all implementations of this function are copied. When an implementation for a function has been referenced, only the implementation referenced will be copied.

The data type of the implementation class is copied according to the copy rules for data types. Data types referenced in return values or parameters are copied only, when implicit is set to true.

Resource references for functions, implementations, parameters and return values are copied, when copying documentation is required and documentation is available .
